
Tue 26 June 2018


A new home for ProvStore

With my move to a new institution, the ProvStore at Southampton is no longer maintained. In the recent months, we have been gradually migrating the PROV services to a new home at, hosted by King's College London.

The new ProvStore service now lives at

(Please see Luc's blog post for the other services)

Backup your ProvStore data

We plan to retire the Southampton ProvStore service soon this year. In order to help the current users in downloading their data there, I wrote a ProvStore backup script (in Python):

Due to data protection, it is not possible for us to migrate user data to the new service. If you want to use the new ProvStore for storing your backed up provenance documents, you will need to create an account at the new ProvStore and upload the documents following the restore instructions.

Other changes

With the impending retirement of Python 2, I have migrated the code base of ProvStore to Python 3, which is powering the new service.

In addition, ProvStore is now using Keycloak as the authentication backend, with the view that it will be the central identity management service for all our future services at

Undoubtedly, with such major changes to ProvStore, unforeseen issues will emerge. If you run into problems using the new service, please do report them and I will try to address them.

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